• 7-inch touch screen for input and output information
  • Computer module
  • Scanning block equipped with optical scanning technology, which allows real-time scanning and recognition of ballots using a unique “fingerprint” of sheets, equipped with an automatic mechanism for capturing and drawing ballots
  • The box can accommodate paper up to 220 mm horizontal (width) and up to 760 mm vertical (length). It can scan and store 2000 ballots with a length of 760 mm, only it receives and processes ballots from this polling station, and automatically returns non-existent ballots.
  • “Boxes” are equipped with integrity control device “E-Seal” (electronic seal), designed to prevent unauthorized access and track the location of the box
  • It is possible to use a non-personal one-time QR code (optional)
  • Can be equipped with a fingerprint reader (optional)
  • RFID reader (optional)
  • During one operation, the box receives only one bulletin recognized by the machine.
  • Using paper “fingerprint” technology allows you to identify small differences in the structure of the paper and create a unique “fingerprint” like a bulletin
  • Provides the possibility of operative calculation of voting results within two minutes after the closure of the polling station
  • Ensures the observance of the secrecy of the will of the voter
  • Ability to save all images of scanned ballots for further analysis, if necessary
  • All received and transmitted data is encrypted by the Public Key Infrastructure
  • Record all actions are taken in the event log (log).
  • Robbery resistance is guaranteed, the system is reliably protected from hacker attacks.
  • It can run on both electricity and batteries, and the autonomous power supply system will be sufficient for the entire election period
  • The complex is easy to use
  • The voting procedure does not take more than a minute

“Ballot boxes” are an Automated Information System consisting of two parts – a central and a regional part, designed to automate the election process. There are functions of coordinating the work of election commissions of different levels. This system allows you to sum up the results of the voting in real-time.

The main purpose of creating this system is to eliminate fraud in the operational counting of votes, as well as during voting, uninterrupted operation, data transmission and information

security. The “ballot boxes” system determines the accuracy of data processing, as well as legal measures to ensure the reliability and efficiency of the processes of collection, collection, storage, retrieval and transmission of information during elections at various levels. In this case, the voter casts his/her vote in the usual way – by stamping a mark on the ballot paper.