Due to the general economic development, the flow of passengers between the countries is growing every year. As a result, physical examination of passengers and their documents are not enough to ensure reliable protection of states from economic and legal crimes, illegal migration, smuggling, terrorist threats, etc. and to prevent human trafficking in air transport.

Electronic border control systems are increasingly being used to exchange information between various interested government agencies, to check local and international restriction lists, and databases of issued documents, etc. These systems allow for the processing of data during the arrival and departure of direct passengers and the analysis that takes place after these processes. On the other hand, in order to increase the internal security of states, more and more passengers, especially air carriers, have recently been provided with early warning systems. This allows the processing of flight, passenger and crew information and their initial analysis before the vehicle arrives or departs immediately.

The system developed by the company is based on international API-PNR standards developed and supported by the IATA/ICAO/ICAO working group, which allows such a system to be deployed as soon as possible and to receive and process reliable and secure data from aircraft carriers.


  • Obtaining BatchAPI information about passengers, crew members and flights using Web services (SOAP), file sharing (FTP/S, SFTP) and web portal services;
  • Obtaining PNR information about passengers and flights using web services (SOAP), file sharing (FTP/S, SFTP) and flexible setup transfer schedules;
  • Automatic processing of data obtained from carrier systems and in text format in UN/EDIFACT PNRGOV, XML PNRGOV and PAXLST formats when using the web portal;
  • Assess the quality of the information received from aircraft carriers and provide information on deficiencies;
  • Adding PNR data to BatchAPI data using a set of records using these data sources obtained at different times;
  • Verification of obtained personal data and information on documents in accordance with the list of state and international restrictions;
  • Verification of cross-border documents such as visas, temporary and permanent residence permits in the database of submitted documents for the purpose of detection of inactive and expired documents;
  • In-depth analysis of data collected to identify trends (seasonal and country-wide flow of passengers), detection of hidden connections (frequent flights with known violators), suspicious behaviour (purchase of tickets immediately before the flight or only one way, flight without luggage, various short flights by number and type of luggage) and other potential violations;
  • Informing government agencies about the identified risks;
  • Direct notification of airlines about unwanted passengers and citizens during flight check-in and banning entry or exit from the country using the iAPI interactive web service;
  • Providing foreign government systems with search functions through web-based integration.


  • BatchAPI – the transfer of passenger, crew and flight information collected by the carrier during check-in as a general list shortly after registration. Due to the fact that information about passengers and crew members is usually entered through machine-readable documents during registration, high reliability and authenticity of information about people and documents is obtained.
  • PNR – information on passengers and flights from airline ticket booking/sales systems and departure control systems within a few days (24-48-72 hours) and a few hours before check-in (1-8 hours). Because the data sources are not under the control of the carrier, PNR data is less reliable than API data. In addition, this information is incomplete and may change dynamically regarding ticket returns, non-arrival of passengers, and ticket sales before check-in.
  • iAPI is an interactive subsystem that allows check-in to check passengers in real-time and confirm or refuse to carry a passenger.