The border control system is a set of measures taken by the state to monitor the borders, regulate the movement of people and vehicles and is one of the most important means of ensuring security.
The border control system established by the company serves to automate the registration of persons crossing the state border and transport at checkpoints distributed in the area, to carry out the necessary inspections to detect violations, to take appropriate measures and to inform the relevant authorities about the situation.
- Automatic entry of information about persons crossing the border by means of reading devices for machine-readable travel documents (MRZ OCR, eMRTD RFID);
- Automatic scanning and storage of images of machine-readable documents in different lighting modes (normal (VIZ), infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) spectra);
- Obtaining biometric data from machine-readable documents by electronic carrier (eMRTD);
- Obtaining biometric data of persons crossing the border – images of the face, fingerprints, iris of the eye through special cameras and scanners;
- Scanning and saving additional documents submitted when crossing the border;
- Manual entry of information about persons crossing the border;
- Implementation of the connection between the main person and accompanying persons;
- Registration of vehicles using the flight schedule;
- Realization of connection of crossing of vehicles with crossing of persons;
- Implementation of the connection of the current border crossing with the previous intersections in both automatic and manual modes;
- Checking the completeness of documents, depending on citizenship;
- Verification of the accuracy and reliability of documents issued by the state;
- Verification of compliance of personal and biometric data and information in documents with national and international searches, access restrictions and lists of invalid documents (CIS, Interpol);
- Verification of biometric data obtained from electronic carrier (eMRTD) and machine-readable documents located at the intersection of the border;
- Cross-checking of personal data of a person crossing the border obtained from various submitted documents;
- Implement both initial and more detailed border controls;
- Review of detailed information on the detected violations and decision on crossing the border, sending it to both intermediate and secondary control, as well as the final decision to cross the border, refuse to cross or obtain a detention permit;
- Secondary border crossing monitoring;
- Notification of persons responsible for domestic search lists, entry and exit restrictions and invalid documents in appropriate cases when crossing the border;
- Collection and initial verification of personal and biometric data and documents in offline mode, as well as their subsequent transfer to the central system and the implementation of detailed verification.
The system is designed to equip all types of checkpoints (air, road, rail, sea, pedestrian). In places where the use of stationary workplaces is unacceptable, a specially designed mobile device may be used to provide border control (onboard a ship, train carriages, cargo and transit flights at airports). In the full-time mode, both fixed and mobile workplaces work online, but in exceptional cases, they also operate offline.
The use of the system creates an information resource that can be used to solve a number of ancillary issues
- Personal computer;
- Full page document scanner with contactless RFID reader;
- Portable document scanner MRZ OCR;
- Camcorders with Ethernet and USB interface;
- Cameras;
- Fingerprint scanners;
- Scanners of the iris of the eye;
- Tablet scanners of documents.